Twentieth-century sunlight
Shining on a familiar-looking aluminum door
The thin strip silently wordlessly intercrossed
Blocking out the months and the years
A time tunnel
Opening past Han or T'ang dynasty bosses
The great door swinging open hurrying in to look
Always startled at the infinite eternity
Pictured is one of the underground storerooms of the National Palace Museum, the "bedrooms" of most of the museum's artifacts since they were brought to Taiwan. Mai Chih-ch'eng accompanied the artifacts from Nanking and later, on their removal to Waishuanghsi outside Taipei, began caring for the national treasures resting here "backstage." Twenty years have quickly passed. His chubby figure, earnestly and energetically shuttling through this "time tunnel" between the present and the ancient past, has become a museum tableau.
(Peter Eberly)

Shining on a familiar-looking aluminum door The thin strip silently wordlessly intercrossed Blocking out the months and the years A time tunnel.

Shining on a familiar-looking aluminum door The thin strip silently wordlessly intercrossed Blocking out the months and the years A time tunnel.

A time tunnel Opening past Han or T'ang dynasty bosses The great door swinging open hurrying in to look Always startled at the infinite eternity.

A time tunnel Opening past Han or T'ang dynasty bosses The great door swinging open hurrying in to look Always startled at the infinite eternity.

A time tunnel Opening past Han or T'ang dynasty bosses The great door swinging open hurrying in to look Always startled at the infinite eternity.