Prices on CAL Flights to US, Europe, and Asian Destinations to be Lowered as of October 1
Beginning October 1, 1987, ticket prices on most China Airlines flights will be lowered. Included are flights from Taiwan to the United States and Europe, and most routes within Asia, except for Japan, on account of the appreciation of the Japanese yen. Because of changes in foreign exchange rates, CAL's operating costs have dropped by approximately 8.6%. China Airlines is planning to pass along the entire difference to its passengers. Reductions will range from 4% to 12%.
Specific adjustments are as follows: Taiwan-U.S. routes: regularly priced tickets will be lowered 12%; discount tickets will be reduced by 8%.
Taiwan-Europe routes: regularly priced tickets will be reduced by 9%; discount tickets by 5%.
Intra-Asian routes, excepting Japan: regularly priced tickets, 5%; discount tickets, 4%.
CAL refuted a recent rumor that ticket prices on Taipei-Hong Kong flights would be raised on October 1.
Soon after these CAL price reductions in tickets issued in the Taiwan area and calculated in New Taiwan dollars come into effect, Northwest Orient, United, and other international airlines operating in the Taiwan area will probably follow with similar price reductions.
Procedures Simplified for Chinese from Hong Kong and Macao entering the Republic of China
The Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Committee of the Executive Yuan has moved to simplify procedures and relax requirements for ethnic Chinese from the Hong Kong and Macao areas wishing to enter or leave the Republic of China, effective as of September 1, 1987. The original "Hong Kong Affairs Committee" of the Executive Yuan has been expanded to the "Hong Kong and Macao Affairs Committee", to stress the inclusion of Macao in its work. The committee has also extended the scope of its services in response to new political, economic, and social needs in the Hong Kong and Macao areas.
Highlights of the new regulations are: 1. the period of validity for visas issued to individuals from Hong Kong and Macao will be extended from two years to three; 2. multiple entry and exit permits approved for extension to one year validity by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Commission shall be extended to three year validity; 3. individuals from the Hong Kong-Macao area planning to enter the Republic of China for the first time are advised to apply to the Overseas Chinese Travel and Transport Agency in Hong Kong for the quickest possible service; notice concerning approval of the application will be given within one month.
ROC Visas now Available Gratis to Businessmen from Korea, Singapore, and Indonesia
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of China has announced that, effective immediately, businessmen from the Republic of Korea, Singapore, and Indonesia are eligible for multiple entry visas to the Republic of China, free of charge. The visas are valid for one year.
In addition, people from these countries engaged in cultural or government work, or other friends of China, may also be considered for the gratis multiple-country visas, with a six-month period of validity.
Formerly, gratis, multiple-entry visas were accorded only to citizens of the United States and South Africa, on the basis of reciprocal agreements. Also, no charge was made on visas for citizens of the Kingdom of Tonga.
Recently, Korea, Singapore, and Indonesia have waived visa requirements for ROC citizens entering their respective countries under certain conditions. However, because of security considerations, the ROC is able to reciprocate only by issuing multiple-entry visas free of charge.