Issuance of Emergency Passports Speeded Up
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs points out that while it has always had a "special case" rule allowing for the rapid issuance of passports to persons who must travel abroad for emergencies, now that the Ministry of the Interior's Bureau of Entry and Exit has set up a new emergency service desk, it, too, will strengthen its procedures for issuing emergency passports.
Those people requiring urgent passport and visa services must show concrete verification of their emergency circumstances. No extra charge is required.
According to Foreign Affairs Ministry regulations, ordinary passports are normally issued 24 hours after application and tourist passports 48 hours after application.
"Four Frees" Offered to First-Time R.O.C. Visitors
The Tourism Bureau says that from June 1st to September 20th this year foreign tourists on first-time visits to the ROC for more than three days can enjoy four free bonuses: (1) one night's free accommodation at 14 first-class hotels, (2) a free half-day tour to the National Palace Museum, the Chiang Kai-shek Memorial Hall, and the Martyrs' Shrine, (3) free transportation to and from CKS International Airport, and (4) a free meal at McDonald's.
Tourism officials and the local tourist industry are working together to encourage visitors to the Asian Games in Seoul this summer to make side visits to Taiwan as well as to attract American tourist shunning European destinations over concerns about terrorism or radiation.
Visa Requirements Lifted for ROC Tourists to the Philippines
To promote substantive relations between the two countries and to welcome ROC visitors, the Philippines tourist bureau has simplified procedures for ROC citizens traveling to the Philippines by issuing entry permits valid for 21 days instead of requiring visas. The application fee has also been lowered, to NT$400.
At the same time, the processing time has been reduced from 24 hours to while- you-wait, and the detention of passports by Philippine customs has been eliminated.
Applications for French Visas Can Be Made in Taipei
ROC citizens may now apply for French visas directly to the France Asia Trade Promotion Association in Taipei. The processing time is about one day, but may be shortened for commercial visas depending on circumstances.
The association's address is Room 813, 8th Fl., No. 96, Chungshan N. Road, Sec. 2, Taipei. Tel: 561-0109, ext. 242.
Bank of Taiwan Eases Loans to Overseas R.O.C. Students Wishing to Continue Studies Upon Expiration of Their Government Scholarships
To assist ROC students on government scholarships to complete their studies abroad, the Ministry of Education has asked the Bank of Taiwan to expand the limits on loans to students whose scholar ships have expired.
The Bank of Taiwan has agreed to raise the limit on loans from NT$300,000 to NT$500,000, to lower interest rates by 0.25 percentage point, and to extend the repayment period from three years to five.
Tour Activities Arranged for Overseas Students Returning to the ROC for Summer Vacation
The 1986 Summer Tour for Returning Overseas Students, organized by the Ministry of Education and the China Youth Corps, will be held in two tours from July 14th to August 16th. Registration begins on June 5th.
Activities include visits to a China Shipbuilding factory, a China Steel factory, a Nantou distillery, historical sites in Tainan, a crocodile farm, Kaohsiung harbor, Kenting National Park, Oluanpi Park, and other areas of interest.
The first tour runs from July 14th to July 19th, with registration from June 5th to July 5th. The second tour is from August 11th to August 16th, with registration from June 5th to August 2nd. Registration should be made at the China Youth Corps office in Room 204, 4th Fl., No. 219, Sung Chiang Road, Taipei. The registration fee is NT$2800. Overseas students and their spouses are welcome to attend.
Tourism Bureau Offers Special Treatment To Tourists Visiting Both Taiwan and Mainland
As one of its eight promotional efforts to spur tourism, the Tourism Bureau is offering one night's free lodging and special tourist privileges to tourists to the mainland who visit Taiwan for the first time on the same trip between June and September this year, so that tourists may compare the economies and cultures on both sides of the Taiwan Straits.
Besides one night's free lodging, the tourists will also receive a free tour of Taipei and special price discounts beginning the second day of their stay. Twelve hotels and ten travel agencies have already volunteered to participate, and a working group has been formed to handle the program.